What is Hydrogen Rich Water?

Hydrogen-rich water (HRW) refers to water that has additional molecular hydrogen (H₂) dissolved in it.

This type of water is touted for its antioxidant properties, as molecular hydrogen is believed to help neutralize harmful free radicals in the body, reducing oxidative stress and its associated damage to cells.

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The Hero-Villain Hydrogen Analogy

Imagine your body is like a high-tech city, and in this city, there are some troublemakers called free radicals. These guys are missing something important - an electron - which makes them really unstable. Think of electrons like the currency they need to chill out. So, these free radicals go around the city causing chaos, trying to steal electrons from other molecules. This stealing game can mess up the balance in your body, and it's called oxidative stress. It's like having a bunch of tiny thieves causing a big problem in your body-city.

Now, your body has its own superhero squad called antioxidants. These heroes can give an electron to the free radicals without turning into troublemakers themselves. This stops the chaos and keeps everything in balance. But sometimes, the superheroes need help, and that's where hydrogen water comes in.

You've probably heard about getting antioxidants from fruits and veggies, right? Well, hydrogen water is like the ultimate antioxidant booster. It's a special kind of water that has extra hydrogen gas dissolved in it, and it's got some pretty cool health benefits.

Research shows that drinking hydrogen water can seriously power up your body's antioxidant superheroes. There was this study where people drank hydrogen water for 8 weeks, and the results were amazing. They found a big jump (39% increase!) in a special superhero enzyme called superoxide dismutase, which helps fight off the free radical troublemakers.

But that's not all. Since oxidative stress and inflammation are like two peas in a pod, causing trouble together, hydrogen water can also help calm down inflammation. That means less pain and better health overall.

So, drinking hydrogen water is like giving your body's superhero squad an awesome upgrade, helping them keep the peace and keep you feeling great.

And the best part? You can make this superhero water right at home! With more than 1500 studies backing up the benefits of hydrogen water, it's not just some fancy health fad.

It's like a secret weapon for your health, fighting off the bad guys and keeping you feeling awesome.

*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.


Scientific Studies Supporting Hydrogen Rich Water Claims

  1. Inflammatory Responses: Hydrogen-rich water can reduce inflammation and prevent cell death in peripheral blood cells, enhancing immune functions【source】.
  2. Metabolic Syndrome: It significantly lowers blood cholesterol and glucose levels, improves inflammation markers, and slightly reduces BMI and waist-to-hip ratio【source】.
  3. Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease: Hydrogen-rich water reduces liver fat accumulation and improves liver enzyme profiles【source】.
  4. Type 2 Diabetes and Impaired Glucose Tolerance: It improves lipid and glucose metabolism, indicating a potential therapeutic role【source】.
  5. Aging Biomarkers: A 6-month intake impacts molecular and phenotypic aging biomarkers in older adults【source】.
  6. Blood Lipid Profiles: A systematic review suggests beneficial effects on blood lipid profiles, especially in clinical populations【source】.
  7. Antioxidant Effects: Continuous intake shows antioxidant effects, reducing oxidative stress in healthy adults【source】.
  8. Cytotoxicity Protection: It protects against ethanol-induced cytotoxicity by regulating aldehyde metabolism-associated enzymes【source】.
  9. NAFLD Subjects: Hydrogen water impacts oxidative stress and inflammation markers in NAFLD【source】.
  10. Heartburn Alleviation: It reduces the frequency and severity of heartburn, improving quality of life【source】.
  11. Muscle Fatigue in Athletes: Drinking hydrogen-rich water reduces muscle fatigue from acute exercise in elite athletes【source】.
  12. Mood, Anxiety, and Autonomic Nerve Function: Intake improves mood, anxiety, and autonomic nerve function【source】.
  13. Inflammatory Bowel Disease: It alleviates abdominal pain by suppressing colonic tissue inflammation in a rat model【source】.
  14. Neurological Recovery in Mice: Improves neurological recovery in a model for multiple sclerosis【source】.
  15. Endurance and Psychometric Fatigue: Enhances endurance and relieves psychometric fatigue in a placebo-controlled study【source】.
  16. Molecular Hydrogen as a Therapeutic Agent: Reviews the therapeutic effects of molecular hydrogen in water【source】.
  17. Traumatic Brain Injury: Protects against neurodegenerative changes induced by injury【source】.
  18. Nutrient Composition in Sprouted Barley: Affects nutrient composition and antioxidative characteristics of sprouted black barley【source】.
  19. Inflammation and Viral Infection: Nano-bubble hydrogen water acts against inflammation-related disease in a zebrafish model【source】.
  20. Muscle Degeneration in Mice: Alleviates motor deficits and muscle degeneration in a mouse model【source】.

What Material is the MacH2 Bottle Made From?

Titanium Metal and Tritan Food Grade Plastic

Titanium's exceptional properties make the MacH2 Water Bottle an ideal companion for those who demand both purity and eco-friendliness in their daily hydration.

TRITAN Food Grade Plastic Ensures no toxic BPA's are leached into your water.

Why is the MacH2 so small?

The MacH2 has been engineered based on scientific principles, taking into account the unique properties of hydrogen. As the smallest molecule, hydrogen can easily escape, a characteristic that cannot be altered since it is lighter than air and naturally moves towards areas of lower resistance. Air, being less resistant than water, allows hydrogen to escape more readily. Consequently, the MacH2 is designed to deliver hydrogen water in "shot doses" of 210ml.

For optimal benefits, it is essential to ingest at least three full doses at the highest hydrogen infusion setting, which is achieved by activating the 10-minute mode with a double press of the power button. This ensures the intake of a therapeutic level of hydrogen.

How Long will Shipping Take?

Since this item is a special order – meaning we keep limited quantities in stock – please allow 7-10 business days on average for shipping.

We appreciate your patience and are excited to get your MacH2 on its way to you!

What kind of water should I use in my MacH2?

With your MacH2, feel free to utilize any type of water - be it mineral, spring, distilled, or even tap water. It's engineered to infuse hydrogen into your water, ensuring you enjoy the benefits of hydrogen-rich hydration, no matter the water source.